Service Hotline: 0371-67283596
  • Contact information
  • Shield and tunneling technology
    National Key Laboratory
  • Tel:0371-67283596
  • Fax: 0371-67283597
  • Postcode: 450001
  • Address: Science Avenue, Zhengzhou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Henan Province

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  • The laboratory implements the "open, mobile, joint, and competitive" operating mechanism, adhering to the academic philosophy of "seeking truth, fearlessness, and enterprising", and unremittingly strives to build an innovative country, a strong country of science and technology, a powerful country with power, and a smart society.
Fax: 0371-67283597
Postcode: 450001
Address: Science Avenue, Zhengzhou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Henan Province
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